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Student Testimonials

Sumitas Self Defense Academy has made a positive change in our daughters lives. It gives them healthy routine and also has improved their stamina, thank you for being patient and giving individual attention to our daughters Amrita & Uma.

Dr. Pinky Devi Ayyappan, Mother

We, the parents of Apeksha, hold very high regards for her Sensei Sumita Nath and Sensei Kaustav Nath for the dedication and passion they have, in not just teaching the art of Karate but to also make little ones like ours strong physically and mentally. Through 1:1 and group trainings they have built her strength and confidence. Greatly indebted and highly recommended!

Parents of Apeksha Arekere Dojo Bangalore

क्योकोशिन कराटेकी मेरी यात्रा अगस्त 2018 सेिुरू हुई थी। फरवरी 2021 मेमैंनेपीली बेल्ट की परीक्षा दी। जीवन के छः दिक के बाद इस शवधा केशलए मुझेकु छ समय ऐसा लगा शक मैंइस योग्य नही ींहूँ, परींतुएक बार शबना जानेमैनेअपना हाथ छु ड़ा शलया और दू सरी बार जब शगरतेहुए अपनेको चोट नही ींलगनेदी थी। ऐसा शवश्वास हो गया है स्वयींऔर अपनेसेन्सेई पर शक हम दोनोींअच्छा प्रशिक्षण कर और पा रहेहैं। भशवष्य उज्जवल होगा यही शवश्वास है। 

डा. मृदुला चौहान

“I have started my journey in Sumita’s Self Defense Academy – Bangalore from December 2020 at the age of 47 under the guidance of Sumita Sensei. She understands my potential and guiding me in such a way that my physical and mental stamina has increased many folds. She is inspiring me every day to keep up my morale and now because of her, I believe that ‘I can do it!’ ”

Mrs. Swati Ganguly Mukherjee, Bangalore

“I am forever grateful and thankful to Sumita’s Self Defence Academy in Enhancing My Confidence and Embracing the Positive Spirits in me. After training 3 years in the academy, it did not only taught me discipline, but also enjoy learning and grow as a joyful community as well.”

Ms. Ria Ranjan, Bannerghatta, Bangalore

मुझेक्योकोशिन कराटेकी शिक्षा करतेहुए अभी छः महीनेही हुए हैं। मेरेअनुसार शकसी भी पररस्थथशत मेंस्वयीं का बचाव करना मुझेआ गया है, आवश्यकता होनेपर मैंप्रहार कर सकती हीं यह शवश्वास भी आ गया है।

स्नेहा शसींह

“I am forever indebted to Sumita Self Defense Academy in increasing my stamina and mental condition to fight back. The personalized training, I receive here has helped me to lose 18 kilograms.” 

Mr. Rajdeep Kumar Roy, Bengaluru, Karnataka.

Being always interested to learn martial arts, I was looking for a genuine school where the purity of teaching was present. I am fortunate and blessed to have discovered Sumita's Self Defence Academy, which focuses on all-round development of an individual - body, mind and spirit. I was 49 years old when I started training. It made my physical and mental abilities grow many fold. The training is highly practical and I am confident of defending myself and my loved ones. The spirit of full contact Kyokushin karate is totally present in this Dojo. Osu!!

Suresh Gummaraju, Hulimavu Bangalore

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